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337 Highlandia Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70810 1.800.299.4142 [email protected]


Tilt Scout

SKU: 9364 Categories: , Tags: ,


The Tilt Scout is a wireless, solid state inclinometer and measures an angle from horizontal. You have the option to measure with two modes: Hatch detection and Pump Jack detection. The Hatch detection mode enables monitoring of the opening condition (closed, cracked open, opened) of a hatch for environmental/safety concerns. The Pump Jack detection mode detects and reports if it is operating or moving. Where there is a need to detect an angle from horizontal, the Tilt Scout can be applied.

A 3 Axis Accelerometer constantly monitors the angle and reports it’s status.  When there is a change of state, the 3 Axis Accelerometer will report it.

The Tilt Scout can be described as rugged and designed for outdoor environments. It also features a long battery life (greater than 5 years) and has up to a 1/2 miles range.

Operating Temp: -40 to +176°F (-40°C to 80°C)

Humidity: NEMA 4X Enclosure

Resolution: <0.1 degree

Power: Internal battery pack. Field replaceable.

Battery Life: Greater than 5 years

Data Interface: Wireless – available as Modbus registers at Gateway

Reporting: Will report every 10 minutes or immediately after a state change

Radio Specifications:

 Power: 40 mW

• Receive Sensitivity: -109 dB

• Encryption: AES 128 bit

• Frequency: 902–928 MHz, FHSS, license-free ISM Band Compliant with FCC Part 15

Range: Up to 1/2 mile

Intrinsically Safe: Hazardous Location Certified – Class 1 Division 1 is Temp Code T3, Groups C&D. Conforms to UL Std. 913, Certified to Can/CSA Std C22.2 No. 157

Internal Diagnostics: Battery voltage, signal strength, error conditions

Download the manual to learn more about its features, and click here to learn more about products from Signal Fire available from BBP.


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Chemical, Engineering, Food & Beverage, Oil & Gas, Pharmaceutical, Power Generation, Pulp & Paper, Refining, Water & Wastewater

