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337 Highlandia Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70810 1.800.299.4142 [email protected]


2-Wire Dual Channel Transmitter/Analyzer FLXA202


The FLEXA™ series analyzers are modular-designed analyzers used for continuous online measurements in industrial installations. They offer single or dual sensor measurement, making them the most flexible 2-wire analyzer available.

With the FLXA202, there is no need for multiple analyzers, since it is easily scalable at the site location by swapping the internal measurement module to what is needed, giving you more flexibility and optimizing your OPEX.

Main Features

Support of Up to Two Sensors

Through the installation of up to two sensors, FLXA202 realizes interruption-free measurement even during maintenance. For dual sensor measurement, the sensor modules must be the same parameter – pH/ORP and pH/ORP, SC and SC, and DO and DO. Dual sensor measurement offers additional functionalities including a variety of calculated data from the two measuring parameters, as well as, the option to program the analyzer as a redundant system.

Advanced Functions

With the FLXA202, one analyzer can accept any of four types of measurements: pH/ORP, Contacting Conductivity (SC), Inductive Conductivity (ISC) and Dissolved Oxygen (DO)Sensors with self-diagnostics capabilities. Additional functions include:

  • Continuous measurement of sensor impedance, asymmetric potential, and slope, and continuous monitoring for electrode contamination/damage, burnout, and decline in measurement liquid level (ex. pH Analyzer).
  • Online Sensor Wellness checking for predictive maintenance.

Clear Touch Panel Display for Improved Operability

The FLEXA series analyzer provides improved operability with intuitive touchscreen operation, featuring a clear display and user-friendly indication with 12 languages. A quick setup menu for immediate measurement and a display of sensor status and estimated maintenance time improve efficiency. The interactive screen is housed in a robust aluminum die-cast housing (FLXA202).

Modular Design for Increased Scalability

The FLEXA™ series analyzer features a modular design with replaceable sensor modules, enabling the construction of a variety of systems. Users can opt to do without a display and can also select the case material (plastic or stainless steel).


Common Specification

Area Classification General Purpose
Class I Div II (without the use of IS Barrier)
Class I Div I (with the use of IS Barrier)
Enclosure Material Aluminum alloy die cast with epoxy coating (Standard offering
Aluminum alloy die cast with urethane or high anti-corrosion coating (available upon request)
Housing Rating IP66 (except Canada), Type 4X (except Canada), Type 3S/4X (Canada)
Power Supply 2-wire 24VDC Loop Powered
Output Signal Bi-directional HART digital communication, superimposed on mA (4-20mA) signal
Intrinsically safe type ATEX, IECEx, FM, CSA and NEPSI, and nonincendive of FM and CSA


Additional information

