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337 Highlandia Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70810 1.800.299.4142 [email protected]


YTA710 Temperature Transmitter


The YTA710 Temperature Transmitter provides high accuracy, stability, and reliability. The housing structure adopts reliable dual-compartment structure. The sensor input can be choice of single or dual inputs. This input can accept the RTD, thermocouple, ohm, or DC millivolt. It converts the sensor input to a 4 to 20mA DC analog signal or Fieldbus digital signal. HART® 7 Protocol or FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus ITK 6 version are available. The dual input can accept two sensors calculation of the differential or average value and the sensor backup function. Sensor backup functions for automatically switches-over from the primary to the backup upon sensor failure. By adoption of local parameter switch on the Indicator, it becomes easy to do the on-site setting work. The YTA610/YTA710 temperature transmitters bring unique value to temperature measurement while meeting a range of user needs. YTA710 is our premium solution. It offers unsurpassed accuracy (Pt100: ±0.10°C / ±0.18°F) and the ultimate diagnostics for demanding applications. The YTA710 is available with HART® 7 or FOUNDATION™ Fieldbus ITK 6. Learn more about temperature solutions from BBP.


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Chemical, Engineering, Food & Beverage, Oil & Gas, Pharmaceutical, Power Generation, Pulp & Paper, Refining, Water & Wastewater

