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337 Highlandia Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70810 1.800.299.4142 [email protected]


Transfer Standard Diadem Pyrometer Series


The Transfer Standard Diadem Pyrometer Series (TSP) is a highly accurate and long-term stable pyrometer. This series is used for comparative measurements between the TS pyrometer and the pyrometer/black body source under test. TSP temperature readings are then transferred to the devices. The high temperature stability of the BBS1500 enables reliable temperature detection with the TS pyrometer and the transfer to the test pyrometer. Diadem pyrometers are traceable to the International Temperature Scale ITS 90. Then, they are calibrated with PTB-calibrated reference devices and adjusted. They are also easily transportable and verifiable as opposed to calibration sources.

  • Display resolution 0.01°C
  • Thermostatically controlled detector
  • High resolution A/D and D/A converters
  • Analog output with 16 bit resolution
  • Selected, extremely long term stable electronic components
  • High quality achromatic lenses
  • Uncompromising design to fulfill highest demands, three galvanically isolated circuits

Serial Interface RS485:

The pyrometer communicates with other digital devices such as a PLC, computer with free SensorTools software, or a self-written communication software program via serial interface. Measured values can be recorded and device parameters can be set directly on the device via SensorTools software or RS485 serial interface. Long distance transmission lines at high data rates can be realized and the devices can be addressed and used in bus operation. An interface converter RS485 to USB (accessory) allows for easy connection to a PC.

Analog Output:

The high-resolution 16-bit analog output supplies voltage of 0-10 V for external temperature evaluation; an example would be for connection of a temperature display.

Ambient Temperature:

The continuous temperature compensation keeps the measurements independent of ambient temperature variations.

To learn more about the Transfer Standard Diadem Pyrometer series, click here, and you can dowload the brochure as well.

You can also learn more about the other infrared temperature sensors that BBP offers, here.

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Chemical, Engineering, Food & Beverage, Oil & Gas, Pharmaceutical, Power Generation, Pulp & Paper, Refining, Water & Wastewater


Process Sensors