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337 Highlandia Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70810 1.800.299.4142 [email protected]




The THZ3 & TDZ3 Dual Input Smart HART® Temperature Transmitters configure quickly and easily to accept a direct signal input from a wide array of sensors and analog devices located in hazardous and non-hazardous areas:

• 14 RTD Types

• 9 Thermocouple Types

• Resistance and Potentiometer Devices

• Direct Millivolt Sources

These 2-wire (loop-powered) transmitters provide an isolated and linear 4-20mA output proportional to the input. This signal is ready for direct interface with HART or non-HART based DCS, PLC and other computer-based SCADA systems.


Dual sensor input for Backup and Failover Protection, Average and Differential measurement and Low or High Select.

Device Intelligence including Sensor Drift and Corrosion Detection, Smart Range Alarms, Highavailability option, and Input Simulation capability.

AIS option allows direct connection of sensors located in hazardous locations without the requirement of an intrinsically safe barrier. This option has blue terminals, DIN housing only.

HART 7 compliant with exception-based reporting and dynamic variable mapping.

Input-to-output analog accuracy of up to ±0.014°C (±0.025°F)* is the absolute best in the industry.

20-bit input resolution delivers exceptional digital accuracy of ±0.1°C (±0.18°F) with all Pt RTDs or up to ±0.05°C (±0.09°F)* for Pt1000 RTDs.

HART & DTM Programmable with user-oriented basic configuration for fast and accurate setup. HART configurable via any HART handheld configurator or HART compatible host. Additionally program or monitor with any FDT compliant host or program, such as PACTware, utilizing our DTM.

Standard integral display on the model TDZ3 shows real-time process status and valuable loop diagnostic information.

Advanced RFI/EMI protection and ambient temperature compensation guard against environmental factors that can quickly degrade measurement accuracy.

To learn more about the THZ3 & TDZ3 and other Moore Industries products available at BBP, click here.

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Chemical, Engineering, Food & Beverage, Oil & Gas, Pharmaceutical, Power Generation, Pulp & Paper, Refining, Water & Wastewater


Moore Industries