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337 Highlandia Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70810 1.800.299.4142 [email protected]


PanaFlow Z3


The PanaFlow Z3 is the latest of a new generation of Panametrics ultrasonic flow meters. It is a three-path wetted meter designed specifically for low-risk, accurate and repeatable measurement of nominal temperature liquids. With a sleek industrial design and ultra-reliable electronics, it provides a top-of-the-line choice for process and industrial applications. The capabilities of the PanaFlow Z3 make it the right meter for a number of industries and applications, including:


  • Upstream, midstream and downstream oil and gas
  • Chemical
  • Petrochemical
  • Refining
  • Power generation
  • District energy/HVAC
  • Water/wastewater


  • Process control and monitoring
  • Allocation measurement
  • Batching and blending
  • Transfer lines
  • Cooling water lines
  • Pipeline metering
  • Loading/unloading
  • Plant utilities
  • Tank farms
  • Irrigation
  • Crude refined products

Reliable flow measurement that is easy on your budget

The PanaFlow Z3 is a three-path, wetted ultrasonic flow meter that brings together all of the advantages of ultrasonic technology at a very affordable value. Unlike other flow measurement technologies, the PanaFlow Z3 does not require maintenance since it does not have any obstruction in the flow path that could clog the process line or moving parts to be damaged by the flowing fluid.

Also, due to the inherent nature of our ultrasonic flow measurement, the PanaFlow Z3’s measurement is not affected by changing process conditions (temperature, pressure, and conductivity) and does not drift over time, which eliminates the requirement for periodic calibration. Without requirements for maintenance and calibration, the PanaFlow Z3 offers a low cost of ownership and performance.

Fast and Easy Installation

Installation of wetted systems can be difficult and if they are not installed with precision and with close attention to detail, the reliability and accuracy of the system may not meet specifications. With the new PanaFlow Z3 system, the assembly work is done at the factory. The necessary components are already installed, so all the user needs to do is to bolt the end flanges into place.

What is the PanaFlow Z3?

The PanaFlow Z3 consists of the Panametrics PanaFlow XMT1000 electronics, three pairs of LX transducers, and sensor body. The XMT1000 is our latest ultrasonic flow transmitter with state-of-the-art flow measurement capability in a rugged enclosure certified for use in hazardous areas. The LX transducer system is our latest advancement in ultrasonic transducer technology and provides accurate, drift-free, and obstructionless flow measurement.

The LX transducer system consists of our new integrated LX transducers and our uniquely engineered buffers. The design of this system allows for the safe insertion and removal of the LX transducers at any time without isolating the flow meter, shutting down the process or using any special tools. Together with the XMT1000 electronics and LX transducer, the uniquely designed meter body provides a clean and compact flow meter system.

Learn more about Ultrasonic Liquid Flow Meters available at BBP.

Additional information


Chemical, Engineering, Food & Beverage, Oil & Gas, Pharmaceutical, Power Generation, Pulp & Paper, Refining, Water & Wastewater

