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337 Highlandia Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70810 1.800.299.4142 [email protected]




The Valtek Valdisk™ is a double offset butterfly valve used whenever high capacity is needed with the lowest possible pressure loss. The Valdisk High Performance Butterfly Control Valves is a Heavy-duty design engineered for high-capacity and low-pressure loss. Ideal for fibrous slurries, liquids, and gas and steam applications under extreme pressures and temperatures.

Features & Benefits:

  • Low profile, low weight body provides a low cost solution
  • Double offset shaft lifts the seat quickly out of the seat to minimize seat wear and allow low torque for great control
  • Metal and soft seat options provide tight shutoff in both flow directions
  • High-performance throttling, even in large pressure drops close to the seat,enabled by high-thrust cylinder actuator coupled with eccentric-cammed disc
  • Greater throttling accuracy assured by low breakout torque provided by jam-levertoggle seating
  • Superior process control with bi-directional, bubble-tight shutoff at high and lowpressure drops
  • Reduced maintenance costs made possible by double-offset disc design, whichminimizes seat and disc wear plus reduces leakage

Design Range

Size Range: NPS 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 52

Pressure Class Range: ASME class 150, 300, 600, 900, 1500

Seating Material: Metal or soft seat


Sizes: DN 50 to 750; NPS 2 to 30

Press: PN 10 to 400; Class 150 to 2500

Temp: -196°C to 649°C

(-320°F to 1200°F)


ASME (B16.34, B16.10, B16.25), PED, DIN, CRN, ISO, NACE, EN

To learn more about the Valdisk High Performance Butterfly Control Valves and other Butterfly Valves offered at BBP, click here. 

Additional information


Chemical, Engineering, Food & Beverage, Oil & Gas, Pharmaceutical, Power Generation, Pulp & Paper, Refining, Water & Wastewater

