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337 Highlandia Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70810 1.800.299.4142 [email protected]




The YTMX580 is a multi-input temperature transmitter that can accept inputs from up to 8 points of measurement including thermoncouple, RTD, DC voltage, resistance and 4 to 20 mA DC. These transmitters convert the corresponding measurement inputs via a wireless signal and can also wirelessly send and receive setting parameters. They also run on internal batteries, greatly reducing the cost of installation as hard-wiring is not required. The wireless communication is compliant with ISA100.11a protocol specifications. YTMX580 can accept inputs from up to 8 points of measurement such as thermocouples (8 types: K, E, J, etc.) or RTD signals (3 types: Pt100, etc.), converting the corresponding measurement input values to a wireless signal. It can also accept DC voltage, resistance, and 4 to 20 mA DC signal input.

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Chemical, Engineering, Food & Beverage, Oil & Gas, Pharmaceutical, Power Generation, Pulp & Paper, Refining, Water & Wastewater

