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337 Highlandia Drive Baton Rouge, LA 70810 1.800.299.4142 [email protected]


Fujikin Cosmix Fine Ceramic Ball Valve

SKU: 10206 Category: Tag:


The Fujikin Cosmix Fine Ceramic Ball Valve withstands abrasion, corrosion, or a combination of both. The standard ceramic material used in all Cosmix ball valves is 99.5% pure alumina ceramic. Pure alumina ceramic is 8 times harder than stainless steel as well as 21⁄2 times harder than Stellite®. The Cosmix Fine Ceramic Ball Valve performs extremely well under the most erosive applications. This includes constant cavitation, high velocities, high differential pressures and high percent solids.

Stainless steel coupling meets most square-drive actuator dimensions. Supplied coupling is typically the only component that may require modification for non-standard automation. The stainless steel mounting pad provided with every valve meets the dimensional standards of ISO 5211. This is the basis for a sturdy, clean, direct-fit onto most rotary actuator brands and models. The mounting pad is removable to permit special automation packages. This makes the Fujikin Cosmix Fine Ceramic Ball valve automation-friendly. Stainless Steel Housing allows the valve to be exposed to extremely harsh environments without external corrosive degradation. It securely encloses the ceramic components and protects them from any possible damage.


You can learn more about the Cosmix Fine Ceramic Ball Valve by downloading the data sheet.

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