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The EJX610A is a high performance, in-line mount absolute pressure transmitter and is part of the EJX-A series._feature single crystal silicon resonant sensor and are suitable to measure liquid, gas, or steam pressure. The EJX610A outputs a 4 to 20 mA DC signal corresponding to the measured pressure. It also features quick response, remote setup and monitoring via BRAIN or HART communications, diagnostics, and optional status output for pressure high/low alarm.


Zero-based calibrated span, linear output, wetted

parts material code ‘S’ and silicone oil, unless

otherwise mentioned.

For Fieldbus and PROFIBUS PA communication

types, use calibrated range instead of span in the

following specifications.

Specification Conformance

EJX series ensures specification conformance to at

least ±3σ.

Reference Accuracy of Calibrated Span

(includes the effects of terminal-based linearity,

hysteresis, and repeatability)

Ambient Temperature Effects per 28°C (50°F)


A capsule: ±(0.04% of Span + 0.075% of URL)

B capsule: ±(0.04% of Span + 0.018% of URL)

C and D capsule: ±(0.04% of Span + 0.009% of URL)

Stability (All normal operating condition)

EJX630A: ±0.1% of URL for 15 years

EJX610A: ±0.2% of URL for 15 years

Power Supply Effects

±0.005 % per Volt (from 21.6 to 32 V DC, 350Ω)

Vibration Effects

Amplifier housing code 1 and 3:

Less than 0.1% of URL when tested per the

requirements of IEC60770-1 field or pipeline

with high vibration level (10-60 Hz, 0.21 mm

displacement/60-2000 Hz 3 g)

Amplifier housing code 2:

Less than ±0.1% of URL when tested per the

requirements of IEC60770-1 field with general

application or pipeline with low vibration level (10-60

Hz 0.15mm displacement /60-500 Hz 2g)

Mounting Position Effects

Rotation in diaphragm plane has no effect. Tilting

up to 90 degree will cause zero shift up to 0.21 kPa

(0.84 inH2O) which can be corrected by the zero


Response Time (All capsules)

90 ms

When software damping is set to zero and including

dead time of 45 ms (nominal)

Learn about Absolute Pressure Transmitters at BBP.

Additional information


Chemical, Engineering, Food & Beverage, Oil & Gas, Pharmaceutical, Power Generation, Pulp & Paper, Refining, Water & Wastewater

