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Can Bluetooth communication be integrated into every VEGA sensor?

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Can Bluetooth communication be integrated into every VEGA sensor?

VEGA sensor


FAQ: Can Bluetooth communication be integrated into every VEGA sensor?

PLICSCOM is downward compatible, which means that it can be quickly and easily integrated into any VEGA sensor built since 2002. The software of the respective sensor does not need to be updated. Yes, Bluetooth communication can be integrated into any VEGA sensor built since 2002.

The innovative PLICSCOM display and adjustment module is mounted directly on the sensor for measured value indication, adjustment and diagnostics. This new optional Bluetooth feature allows any transmitter to be adjusted wirelessly from a distance of approximately 25 meters.

  • Ideal for use on high tanks or inaccessible areas
  • Convenient, safe sensor adjustment, even in bad weather
  • Adjustment with PC, smartphone or tablet
  • Secure connection via PIN and encryption
  • Adjustment with magnetic pen through closed sensor lid
  • Ideal for hazardous areas or dirty measuring environments
  • Compatible retrofit to all plics® sensors manufactured since 2002


Watch this for more info on the PLICSCOM w/ Bluetooth